Friday, January 29, 2010

the original decision daisy series

he loves me?, originally uploaded by avalilly.

maybe, originally uploaded by avalilly.

decision daisy, originally uploaded by avalilly.

I shot these photos way back in June of last year, but I wasn't quite satisfied with them, so I reshot the idea later on (you can view them in this entry). Last night I was in another edit-photos-mood while watching a movie, so I started fiddling with the colour balance on these and found a new love for them!

In the summer I bought a bunch of blank cards/envelopes for the purposes of selling as original artist cards. I still haven't figured out what exactly to put on them. I'm not sure what'll look better, printing directly onto the cardstock or gluing photo prints onto them... so perhaps when I have some more time on my hands I'll start figuring that stuff out and maybe open an etsy shop.

There's so many little project ideas I have. I also have blank bookmarks I can print on and sooo many tiny canvases. I think maybe I'll make a check list of things I could be doing with my time and maybe that way I'll actually get them done haha.


  1. Glue photo paper onto the cardstock, unless you're going for a really rough feeling with the prints. That might look cool, actually, now that I think about it, especially with the images above . . .

  2. yah I was considering that route instead, mostly because the photos with textures that I've had printed before haven't come out of the printing process very attractive looking on photo paper.

    I'll get them printed on photo paper just to see how they come out, but if they suck like the others have, I might just print direct onto cardstock. and you know, hopefully that won't suck either. if it does it's probably just the printing places aren't doing people-checks on the images. I'm considering getting a high quality photo printer just for the purpose of selling my own prints on demand, but they're so expensive. ;_;
