Tuesday, February 2, 2010


google this, originally uploaded by avalilly.
Googly eyes! (Please follow the image link to Flickr to see 3 more photos from this shoot.)

I couldn't really decide which one I wanted to make my official submission for my 52 weeks project, but this one had the sharpest focus overall. The one with the silly face is much more fitting for the makeup though. Ah well!

The best part was shaking my head and hearing all the googly parts google around. :'D


  1. I like this one best of the series, but given the rest of your makeup I want the googly eyes to have eyeliner and eyelashes on them too, to match . . .

  2. I agree. Atleast on the bigger ones, I definitely wanted to have them, but I don't think I could do it with the makeup I have. I might try photoshopping it in at some point to see if it would actually work though. :'D
