Friday, January 29, 2010

the original decision daisy series

he loves me?, originally uploaded by avalilly.

maybe, originally uploaded by avalilly.

decision daisy, originally uploaded by avalilly.

I shot these photos way back in June of last year, but I wasn't quite satisfied with them, so I reshot the idea later on (you can view them in this entry). Last night I was in another edit-photos-mood while watching a movie, so I started fiddling with the colour balance on these and found a new love for them!

In the summer I bought a bunch of blank cards/envelopes for the purposes of selling as original artist cards. I still haven't figured out what exactly to put on them. I'm not sure what'll look better, printing directly onto the cardstock or gluing photo prints onto them... so perhaps when I have some more time on my hands I'll start figuring that stuff out and maybe open an etsy shop.

There's so many little project ideas I have. I also have blank bookmarks I can print on and sooo many tiny canvases. I think maybe I'll make a check list of things I could be doing with my time and maybe that way I'll actually get them done haha.

Monday, January 25, 2010

4/52 ♥

, originally uploaded by avalilly.
Another for the heart series!

I'm not 100% satisfied with this. The shots with perfect focus had ugly feet positions happening and this one was my favourite in terms of composition so I couldn't say no to it. I actually really dislike feet, so I'm not sure why I took this, but it was a lazy lazy sunday afternoon and all I wanted to do was lounge around and be warm and watch tv and not have to deal with my face in front of the camera.

I'll do something more elaborate next week. I bought myself a 12 pack of Ben Nye MagiCake Aqua Paints back in november, so I have some very good colourful options to try out, I just need to figure out what to do exactly.

I'm going to be a tad busy over the next month or so. I'm Production Designing two films, the first of which I get to design and build my first studio set for! You have no idea how excited I am for this. It's going to be such a cool room, I can't wait.


Monday, January 18, 2010


kaleidoscope eye(s), originally uploaded by avalilly.

The third week image of my 52 weeks project. Everything looked really weird after this photoshoot, since I spent most of it looking at multiples of my camera through the gem.

I'm really enjoying how wonderful the 50mm lens is for portrait photography (the bokeh is AMAZING), although I've discovered it's not necessarily the best all purpose lens if you happen to be in a small room. It takes great lowlight photos, but I really do love the wide angle capabilities of my 18-55. I know it's just a kit lens, but there's a lot more freedom for me with on-set photos and gallery shots if I can just adjust the zoom on the fly with the lens rather than run back or forward to get the shot.

Speaking of galleries, I'm in a show this week with a new piece. I'll upload that very soon with more info, once I get the photos all ready to go.

Check back soon~

24 hour workshop

Over this past weekend I participated in a 24 hour workshop organized by the Visual Arts Student Association. Essentially, participants would start, finish, and then hang their work in the Special Projects Gallery in under 24 hours. We are displaying our work all this week (January 18-22), the gallery is in the Goldfarb Center for Fine Arts at York University next to the Curry's.

Facelift (Laura Crowell 2010) 22"x30" conte on paper
(I'm not 100% done with this, but it'll do for now.)

These two drawings were done by Michelle Mackinnon. I believe they're 6'x3.5'. I can't believe she finished the one on the right in less than 24 hours. Amazing!

A paper sculpture by Billy Garland.

Print media!

Awesome mixed media work by Diana VanderMeulen.

Unfortunately, I don't have the names of all the artists. I'll try and get them and then update this later on, but go check out the show and find out for yourself in the mean time!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

reflections of a skyline

Stumbled across this little film earlier. I'm not really sure what to say about it, but I think it's worth a watch (or two, or three).

The dialogue is apparently an excerpt from Sarah Kane's one act play Crave.

I kinda like it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


teardrop on the fire, originally uploaded by avalilly.

fearless on my breath, originally uploaded by avalilly.

Images from this week's shoot for my 52 weeks project. I chose the first one to represent this week, but I really like how the hair was captured in the second one too. I've got a few more outtakes I'd like to edit, so I'll probably post those up soon as well.

Recently I've been really digging Massive Attack, particularly these two songs:

Teardrop (the video is a little creepy, but the song is great. You'll recognize it if you watch House.)

Joy Luck Club -lovelovelove-

Anywho, is it just my browser that appears to be cutting the images off a bit on the right, or is that just a blogger-not-being-fat-enough thing?

Monday, January 4, 2010

the beginning 1/52

the beginning, originally uploaded by avalilly.

Hello everyone! Happy New Year to you~

So I made the impulsive decision to start a 52 weeks project as a new year's resolution. I really don't feel I'm ready to commit to the 365 project, where you do a portrait everyday for a year, so I'll just be doing one per week instead. It's not unreasonable for me, plus I have a lot of ideas I'd like to try anyways, so this should be a good thing!

The image above is my first of the series. Click it to follow the link to my Flickr and there'll be more info there.

2010 brings some new funsies I'll be able to try out on the photography front: I bought myself a new lens! I got the Canon EF 50mm f1.8 (would have rathered the f1.4, but it was too expensive, unfortunately). Very excited to try that out with portraits. My uncle also got me an Opteka 5-in-1 reflector! I may actually start needing an assistant of sorts.

Anywho, I'm hoping this project will unfold nicely and I learn lots along the way. We'll see if I'm actually able to keep up with it...