decision daisy, originally uploaded by avalilly.
I shot these photos way back in June of last year, but I wasn't quite satisfied with them, so I reshot the idea later on (you can view them in this entry). Last night I was in another edit-photos-mood while watching a movie, so I started fiddling with the colour balance on these and found a new love for them!
In the summer I bought a bunch of blank cards/envelopes for the purposes of selling as original artist cards. I still haven't figured out what exactly to put on them. I'm not sure what'll look better, printing directly onto the cardstock or gluing photo prints onto them... so perhaps when I have some more time on my hands I'll start figuring that stuff out and maybe open an etsy shop.
There's so many little project ideas I have. I also have blank bookmarks I can print on and sooo many tiny canvases. I think maybe I'll make a check list of things I could be doing with my time and maybe that way I'll actually get them done haha.