Saturday, May 29, 2010


printemps, originally uploaded by avalilly.

I should really shoot outdoors more often. So many more (easy!) pretty options. Get a little flower bokeh going and voila, a decent photo. Unfortunately, there's people outdoors. Most of the areas I've been interested in going to shoot at end up being somewhat popular for nature walks or whatever it is people like to do outside. I really don't like when there's other people around when I'm doing self portraits, everything ends up so terribly awkward!

This is just in my backyard though, so it wasn't too bad. Follow the flickr link to find two more crop options. I really hate having to crop. I like to have the composition made in camera, but sometimes when you're dealing with variables like, say, not being able to see the composition while you're in front of the camera, sometimes it's necessary.

Sqaure crops are a general pet peeve anyways. Unless you're shooting with a square format camera where you have to compose for a square frame, most people don't balance them right and it just bugs meeee!

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