Tuesday, February 23, 2010


it won't do, originally uploaded by avalilly.

Since I was busytimes last weekend, I didn't have time to do a valentine's day-esque photo, so I just did it this week instead! I sort of wanted the cinnamon heart to be a little bit more prominent, but I think I kind of like how small it is. It's like a secret heart. While processing, all I could think of was this song:



  1. Gorgeous.

    Are you intentionally referencing that one painter whose name I'm forgetting?

    ...looked it up. John Kacere.

  2. Ahhh, you're right! Definitely unintentional. I knew it reminded me of something and I kept thinking of Lost in Translation, I guess of which the opening shot was inspired by him. I'm not terribly familiar with his work myself, but I remember a class surveying over his work very briefly. It's interesting what sticks!

    I'll get the other pose from this shoot uploaded eventually (the main idea) and I think it's actually more of a Courbet... also unintentional, but unavoidable. We've been discussing him a lot in my Realism and Impressionism class recently. So many female torso images!
