Been a little busy as of late trying to finish up this lonnnng school year. I'm finally finished all of my course work, I just have a couple exams to take care of next week.
For my digital photography class, our final project had to do with stop motion or slide show narratives. I wasn't too crazy about the narrative part. When I heard 'stop motion' I had really hoped we could just compile sequences of images and not really have them mean anything. I just wanted to play! But alas, being at university everything must have a meaning and some kind of intellectual persuit. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but seriously sometimes you just want to make something pretty without having it be... SOMETHING.
I animated the ants all on my own. There's 130 different frames rendered into a loopable clip. It honestly took me a good eight hours or so to get it up and running. I wanted to toy with the idea of people with monotonous ant-like behaviour. As students, we are constantly working towards a piece of paper that proves what we've done. This being the longest school year ever due to the strike, it feels like the work and the routine never ends.
All in all, time consuming, but an interesting project. I'd like to try more things like this in the future. Perhaps without any time constraints I can come up with something a little more deep than "people vs ants".