Saturday, October 23, 2010


warmer climate, originally uploaded by avalilly.
Alexander McQueen designed a gorgeous monarch butterfly inspired dress for inclusion in his 2011 spring/summer collection. When I say inspired by, I mean it's entirely comprised of monarch butterfly wing patterns. It's awesome.

Thus, I had this terrible urge to own feather monarch butterflies. They're a little more cooperative than the real kind. I've actually been meaning to find some for various other reasons as well, but I guess that was just a good kick to go out and get them. It's strange how reminders show up like that.

They'll be a fun prop to play with for now until I get around to making something out of them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

more news!

I guess I've had some good luck with galleries this week! I was just notified that I'm a selected finalist in the RMGexposed juried photo competition. I will be donating a print of this photo for their silent auction:

I'm not normal, originally uploaded by avalilly.
I don't think there is going to be an extended exhibition of the finalists work, but my print will be there on the evening of November 13th, 2010 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery if you're interested in joining the festivities. There is a ticket purchase to get in, all proceeds going to benefit gallery educational and public programming.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I recently entered a couple pieces into the 30th Annual Juried Exhibition at my local gallery. I found out yesterday that one of my pieces was chosen to be a part of the show! They chose Knitwit:

knitwit, originally uploaded by avalilly.
I'm really excited. I get to exhibit with a group of varied artists that I haven't met before (well, maybe some I've met)! It's nice, because most of the shows I've been a part of have been basically with a good number of classmates from university, so this is a nice step towards getting my work more exposure.

The show is at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington and it opens on October 17, 2010 with the reception from 2-4pm and it runs until November 7, 2010.

Please stop in if you're in the area! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


condolences, originally uploaded by avalilly.
That's me again, hanging out on the ceiling. I'm having fun with these. They are incredibly time consuming, what with getting the furniture to stick to the ceiling and all, but it's worth it in the end.

I may have to print these out soon and see how they look when they're all tangible. I guess with being digital and all, it's hard to tell if my computer screen is hiding anything I may have missed. Sooo many pixels.