Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sneak peak

time, originally uploaded by avalilly.
Here's one of the first shots from my photoshoot with the lovely Abby from friday.

It's a shame I've been so busy, because I just want to come home and work on these! I'll have more up soon though.

Still in love with the location. <3


  1. Thankya!

    The building is amazing. Unfortunate about the windows, yah, but in order for it to be open to the public it had to be up to code. The wooden beams/pillars have a name that was carved into them in 1932 though and the building's definitly older than that. So some of the room has this awesome century old look to it and then some parts are new. I love it in there. <3

  2. I love this picture! The lighting is wonderful. My only quip is the view out the window, do you think you'll photoshop it at all? It kind of detracts from the abandoned looking place inside when you see a house with a car up the drive in the background.

  3. Having just said that, I saw the one you uploaded to Flickr, so nevermind haha! Looks amazing <3

  4. Yah I forgot to mention on here that I reuploaded a later edit to Flickr. It, for some reason, doesn't update the linked images. ah well!

    I wasn't going to bother with it at the time, but I had a couple people point it out. This is the only shot that that happens in though, the rest are all tree bokeh. So I'm really glad I didn't have to edit all of them haha.
