I was called in pretty last minute (which I don't think I'll be doing in the future) to do set dressing for the apartment scenes. It was fun, I pretty much just had to make an eclectic apartment appear more sophisticated with what was available in front of me. I enjoy playing around with stuff like that. It was a bit of a tight space to work in, but the final product looked quite nice. My production stills aren't that great - I didn't want to get in the way too much while everyone was moving lights and pondering the frame so I just sort of captured what I could from the corners.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I was called in pretty last minute (which I don't think I'll be doing in the future) to do set dressing for the apartment scenes. It was fun, I pretty much just had to make an eclectic apartment appear more sophisticated with what was available in front of me. I enjoy playing around with stuff like that. It was a bit of a tight space to work in, but the final product looked quite nice. My production stills aren't that great - I didn't want to get in the way too much while everyone was moving lights and pondering the frame so I just sort of captured what I could from the corners.
Monday, April 20, 2009
So these are a couple of the results of my Janieta Eyre inspired photo project. I didn't get nearly as many good shots as I wanted, as it's super awkward to model for yourself. I had to get a roommate to operate the shutter for me, since I don't have a remote yet. The first one doesn't work as well for her style as I had hoped. I might need to make it black and white to do so, but the ridiculous dresses are my favourite part so I'd like to keep them in all their glorious colourfulness.
The second one I feel works well for her style. I wish I had a better idea of what the frame looked like though, I wanted the stuff on the wall to stand out. Ah well, 'twas a good learning experience; both photography and planning-wise. I'll have to remember not to rely too much on other people unfortunately. I couldn't do this project on my own without a remote and the people who were supposed to help me bailed. Thank god my roommate was home to help though!
I may still try a few more if I have time. I think I'll be printing the second image to be handed in though. It works the best and all the me's are in focus, which is always nice haha. Now all I have to do is figure out how to talk about the original photographer for 10 minutes. Always fun being a student, I guess.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
janieta eyre
I especially love her Incarnations series. The dual self portrait will be what I try to explore in this third project. 'Tis a shame my friend moved out of her apartment. It would have been perfect to shoot in, but I've found a way to make my own place work, so I'll be working on that all weekend! Hopefully it won't be too awkward doing a bunch of portraits of myself around the house.
Super excited for it though! I hope I can translate my ideas well enough into photos. They look so good in my head. :(
Check back soon for the results of this shoot! I'll try and post them as soon as I'm done editting~