So, this year I decided I should actually get a desk for school instead of just using my laptop on my bed all the time. I happened upon the Salvation Army store in my town getting rid of everything for super cheap so they could move locations or something. I found this desk in there for $30. It's small, cute, and fits perfectly in my new room.
I decided the dark forest green wasn't really working for me though. I have this thing for red, white, and black, so ofcourse that needed to happen in the new paint job. Picked up some marine oil paint 'sample' cans from the paint place, sanded it down and painted away!
Unfortunately, the stripes didn't come out perfectly straight. The tape I used sort of allowed for some paint to seap under it, but it's nothing terribly noticeable. I'll probably just fix it with a small brush if I'm in a tedious mood sometime. I have some small circular mirror accents I'm debating putting on the drawers too, but I think I like it the way it is.