Worked out pretty well, the end budget for art department was only $4.52, which was spent on pregnancy tests from the dollar store for props. I still find it hilarious that you can buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store. They were perfect though because they were label free.
You can find more stills from the day here in my Flickr set, but here's a few favourites:
Overall it was pretty much the best experience I've had on set to date. There were a handful of industry professionals on the crew that graciously donated their time to help make this film. It was a really interesting change from working on student productions. Everything went by much quicker with a lot less downtime and everyone stuck to their own job, etc. I thought it might be more difficult to work with strangers, but it was a surprisingly lovely experience!
The film is not yet completed last I heard, but I can't wait to see the finished product!